

なった。元町の花屋で手に入れたデュランタ  は夏の日差しを好む花、綺麗に咲いてベランダで風にそよいでいる。




             デュランタ                      デュランタとブーゲンビリア




QUANTUM OF THE SEAS 168,666 4Q1/Q2 7月10日(火) 7時 7月10日(火) 16時 大阪 横浜 大阪・神戸・横浜クルーズ 7泊8日 寄港







中塚さんの展覧会の後、原田の森ギャラリーの隣の横尾忠則現代美術館で開かれている「横尾忠則 画家の肖像」展











「小京都」の市町 特色
秋田県仙北市(旧・角館町) 佐竹北家の城下町。武家屋敷や町家。文化財多く
秋田県湯沢市 佐竹南家の城下町。秋田美人の里。酒造業も盛ん
宮城県大崎市(旧・岩出山町) 京都公家の冷泉家ゆかりの回遊式庭園や学問所
宮城県村田町 山形と仙台を結ぶ商都。豪勢な店蔵や門が残る
新潟県加茂市 平安時代、京の賀茂神社の社領に。桐タンス産地
栃木県栃木市 舟運の商都。蔵屋敷と白壁。コイの掘割も名所
栃木県佐野市 出流原弁天地の湧き水の名水がある宿場町
栃木県足利市 日本最古の学校「足利学校」や日本一の藤棚
茨城県古河市 室町時代、足利成氏による関東の政治の中心地
埼玉県嵐山町 京都・嵐山に似た渓谷と山。坂東武者ゆかりの地
埼玉県小川町 和紙、酒造、建具、裏絹など伝統産業の史跡
神奈川県湯河原町 万葉集にうたわれ、文人墨客が保養に訪れた名湯
静岡県森町 江戸時代中期頃から古着の町として栄えた城下町
愛知県西尾市 城下町の大名行列の祭。抹茶原料のてん茶を生産
岐阜県郡上市(旧・八幡町) 城下町で400年歌い踊り継がれた「郡上おどり」
三重県伊賀市(旧・伊賀町と上野市) 藤堂高虎が江戸時代に碁盤目状に整備した城下町
長野県飯山市 上杉謙信の飯山城。島崎藤村「破戒」モデルの寺
富山県高岡市 加賀前田家2代当主の城下町。古い町並みが残る
富山県南砺市(旧・城端町) 蓮如上人の古刹の寺内町。石畳の景観や曳山祭
福井県大野市 戦国武将、金森長近による碁盤の目状の城下町
福井県小浜市 大陸と京都を結んだ交通の要衝。寺社・仏像多数
京都府亀岡市 明智光秀の丹波亀山城の城跡。保津川の渓谷美
兵庫県豊岡市(旧・出石町) 出石城跡や町家。船着き場のなごりの灯籠や櫓
兵庫県篠山市 京都に向かう西京街道沿いの宿場町と城下町
兵庫県たつの市(旧・龍野市) 武家屋敷や白壁の土蔵。揖保川の素麺の伝統産業
岡山県津山市 石垣の津山城跡と武家屋敷。神社仏閣も多く
岡山県高梁市 備中松山城と武家屋敷。商家資料館など遺産点在
広島県尾道市 江戸期は北前船の寄港地。多くの豪商が寺院建立
鳥取県倉吉市 城下町の白壁土蔵群や赤瓦。白金の湯、関金温泉
島根県松江市 古代出雲文化と神話の発祥の地。松江城の掘割
島根県津和野町 赤い鳥居が並ぶ太皷谷稲成神社。堀のコイも有名
山口県萩市 毛利氏が1604年に萩城を開き、36万石の城下町に
山口県山口市 瑠璃光寺五重塔が「西の京」を象徴。大内家遺構
高知県安芸市 武家屋敷の景観。三菱創始者の岩崎弥太郎の生家
高知県四万十市(旧・中村市) 応仁の乱で公家が移り住み、京に模した町を造る
愛媛県大洲市 加藤家6万石の城下町。2004年に木造の天守復元
福岡県朝倉市 秋月城跡。黒田官兵衛の孫、長興が治めた城下町
佐賀県小城市 京都を模した町づくり。街中の祇園川を蛍が舞う
佐賀県伊万里市 伊万里焼など肥前磁器の積み出し港として繁栄
大分県杵築市 高台に武士が住み、谷間で商人が暮らした町並み
大分県日田市 江戸時代、幕府の天領として栄える。豪商の遺構
熊本県山鹿市 明治時代の芝居小屋「八千代座」は国の重文
熊本県人吉市 鎌倉時代からの神社仏閣、仏像が数多く残る
宮崎県日南市 石垣が続く武家屋敷の飫肥(おび)地区が有名
鹿児島県南九州市(旧・知覧町) 7つの名勝庭園や整然とした武家屋敷群が残る






Household waste collected in the wake of the heavy flooding in western Japan is piled up at a temporary collection site in Kurashiki, Okayama Prefecture, on Saturday. | REUTERS

West Japan rains to be designated ‘extremely severe disaster’ to increase state aid subsidies


The government plans to designate the torrential rain that wreaked havoc in western Japan as a disaster of extreme severity so subsidies for reconstruction projects in the affected areas can be increased, it was learned Sunday.

At the daily meeting of the disaster response headquarters in Tokyo, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said the heavy rain “is now expected to be designated as an extremely severe disaster.”

 The government is trying to expedite the Cabinet decision on the designation while trying to get a full picture of damage from the rain, which triggered floods and hundreds of landslides, officials said.

The disaster will be the first to receive such status since the government improved the extremely severe disaster designation system in December.

Previously, it could take several months for a designation to be made. But the government is now allowed to announce the prospects for such a designation as early as about a week after the damage investigation begins. The change was made to facilitate reconstruction efforts so disaster victims can rebound faster.

“We’ll make our best efforts so that governments in areas stricken by the torrential rain can promote reconstruction projects quickly without worry about financial costs and afflicted residents can rebuild their lives as early as possible,” Abe said at the meeting, held in the Prime Minister’s Office.

The death toll has since topped 200, according to a Jiji Press survey.

On Sunday, Abe had planned to visit Hiroshima Prefecture, one of the hardest-hit areas, but canceled because of pain in his right hip joint. He said Hachiro Okonogi, minister for disaster management, would go on his behalf instead.

“I’ll surely visit Hiroshima on a later date,” Abe said.

The prime minister visited Okayama on Wednesday and Ehime on Friday. Both prefectures took heavy damage.

On Saturday, the Cabinet designated the torrential rain as an extraordinary disaster to allow people to receive special administrative benefits, such as driver’s license extensions and business permits for restaurants and shops.

On Saturday, the start of the three-day Marine Day weekend, volunteers flocked to the region to help with the cleanup despite scorching heat that baked much of the country. The Meteorological Agency issued precautions against heat-related maladies, particularly in the disaster zone.

In the meantime, work to restore infrastructure made progress. The Sanyo Expressway, which runs through Okayama and Hiroshima, fully reopened Saturday for the first time in nine days, with the section between the Hiroshima and Kochi interchanges made available for use by ordinary vehicles.

According to the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry, the number of households without water had been reduced to 193,000 from about 260,000 as of noon Saturday, thanks to restoration work in Kure and Etajima in Hiroshima.

In Kure, the number stood at 68,000 as of noon but was expected to be cleared completely by Thursday, officials said.

Electricity, meanwhile, was fully restored in Okayama and Hiroshima prefectures on Friday, Chugoku Electric Power Co. said.

According to the Fire and Disaster Management Agency, 5,200 people were still living in shelters in 16 prefectures as of noon Sunday.

In the heavily flooded Mabicho district in Kurashiki, the number of missing people was reduced to zero as of 8 p.m. Saturday after the Okayama Prefectural Government disclosed their names and sought information on their whereabouts.

Many damaged municipalities began accepting volunteers on Saturday.

“I decided to participate in the volunteer work after learning that there is nothing to eat or drink at the damaged house of a friend of mine,” said Ayaka Miyamoto, 16, a second-year high school student. “I’d like to do what I can without causing inconvenience to others.”

In the Yoshida district in the heavily damaged city of Uwajima in Ehime Prefecture, volunteers were helping residents remove mud and transport furniture.

In Hiroshima Prefecture, 17 municipalities have set up offices for volunteers in cooperation with local social welfare councils. In the city itself, an office in Aki Ward saw many turn out to volunteer.

Kurashiki initially limited volunteer efforts to residents but began accepting supporters from outside the city on Saturday. They are expected to engage in restoration activities mainly in flood-hit Mabicho.

According to the Meteorological Agency, temperatures rose to as high as 34.9 in Kurashiki, 34.8 in Hiroshima’s Asakita Ward and 36.2 in Ozu in Ehime.





            川底たどり74年 戦中から現役










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